GAT JetMass 40 serv


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  • Helps Promote Muscle Growth & Strength.
  • Supports Muscle & Recovery.
  • Promotes Muscle Energy.

JetMASS provides a superior Creatine-driven formulation for athletes with goals for exercise-induced gains in muscle, strength and performance. It’s specifically formulated to increase uptake of Creatine, add lean muscle mass, increase muscle torque and speed recovery times.

JETMASS Formula Advantages:

  • 5g Creatine Monohydrate.
  • 13g of carbohydrates, Waxy Maize, Maltodextrin and Dextrose to promote creatine uptake by spiking insulin.
  • With Phosphates to buffer the build up of lactic acid from strenuous training.
  • 2g of Glutamine/BCAAs to support muscle anabolism and recovery.